Sydney Alliance Holds Annual Convention: Together with Dignity

On August 2nd, Sydney Alliance hosted their Convention: Together with Dignity. The convention hosted leaders from across their numerous organizations to build power and a strategy for the next chapter of work for the common good!   

Here's a message from Sydney Alliance lead organizer David Barrow on the power of Together with Dignity and what's on the horizon for the Alliance:

"At the Convention, the Alliance had 237 invested leaders and 40 out of 48 organisations present. New air was breathed into your Alliance as stories were shared, commitments pledged and wins celebrated.


The recent collective wins have come from a reactive stance during the pandemic 2020-2022, including:


  • New frontiers and organisation with international students, led by Sydney Community Forum
  • 16,500 places for Afghan Refugees in the Federal Budget
  • At the table in conversations on Covid responses, and $34m raised in emergency funds.
  • 15 local teams each making significant progress on issues at the Council level.
  • Leading work on Uluru Statement campaigning
  • Winning on low-income access to renewables led by the Voices for Power movement.
  • Over 500 leaders trained in community organising


Now, with a new strategy the Alliance is stepping back into a proactive stance to build relational power by listening in our organisations and getting to the table with decision makers on an agenda for Sydney’s people. The can-do attitude of the Convention was a great reminder of the iron rule – don’t do for others what they can do for themselves."

-David Barrow