
IAF NW has Affiliate Organizations In Different Regions of the World. 

An affiliate (Alliance) is a vehicle created by its member organizations to serve their collective values and interests: building “power with” to advance the common good; making  their own organizations more vital and effective; and surfacing and equipping leaders for "public life" 

The 12 Affiliates are broad based member organizations and work with education, health, labor, faith-based organizations and community institutions united to act effectively to bring about practical solutions to advance the common good.  

Affiliate by Region:


Sound Alliance 


How our Affiliates Operate: 

Affiliates use our organizational structure to advance those purposes and represent the authority of the member organizations. 


Core Teams: Teams within each of the Alliance’s member organizations, as much as possible. Core Teams are  responsible for engaging their own members in carrying out the mission of the organization – for  itself and for the world - in a way that is Relational, Reflective / Learning, and Action-Oriented.

Delegates Assembly / Congress: The ultimate decision making body, made up of “delegates” representing the body of member  organizations that constitute the Alliance

Strategy Team: The heart of the Alliance’s leadership, made up of leaders committed to advancing and balancing  their own organization’s interests, the Delegates larger agenda and the whole of the Alliance.

Research / Action Teams: Includes individuals from any member organizations interested in the development and  implementation of issue campaigns. Reports to the Strategy Team and Delegates Assembly.

Board / Admin Team: The officers of the Alliance responsible for the legal and financial compliance. It is a smaller  group of key leaders who give quality attention to the legal and administrative functions of the organization.